Crossroads of Humanity

Mar 26, 2012

Some "mostly fun" events and people to remember.  This is for the good times!
40 Things That Will Make You Feel Old

Mar 19, 2012

Goodbye Senator Galloway

I'm glad to see that Senator Pam Galloway knows what's best for Wisconsin. She wouldn't even listen to the opposition this past year. Isn't she supposed to represent all of us? I guess she finally figured that out!

Interview for Canvas Skies

A third interview has posted.  You can read all about it at Interview at Rachael Dixon's blog.  Ms. Dixon is the author of Slippery Souls.

Mar 8, 2012

Canvas Skies - Now Available

Canvas Skies is available!  If you enjoyed Price of a Bounty, please help me spread the word.  (I have been told it reads well as a stand alone too.)  If you have not yet read the beginning of this trilogy, Price of a Bounty is free today and tomorrow, Thurs. - Fri.